Guru Nanak Ki Bani

Articles on Sikhism written by Sujan Singh

The articles on this site are written by Sujan Singh (1930-2007). He was a Botanist who worked for many years for the Forest Research Institute in Dehradun, and then later he ran the Mycorrhiza Network at TERI. He had a real passion for learning, with a particular interest in science and philosophy. Learning is something he did every day of his life:

"A life dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge is a life worth living" - Sujan Singh

He was dedicated to Sikhism, and lived by its tenets. His passion for science and his dedication to Sikhi lead him to many years of research on the intersection of the two. The results of that research are these series of articles you can find on this website.

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Daily Hukamnama in English

  • Raag Soohee, Fifth Mehl, Chhant: One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: My Dear Lord and Master, my Friend, speaks so sweetly. I have grown weary of testing Him, but still, He never speaks harshly to me. He does not know any bitter words; the Perfect Lord God does not even consider my faults and demerits. It is the Lord's natural way to purify sinners; He does not overlook even an iota of service. He dwells in each and every heart, pervading everywhere; He is the nearest of the near. Slave Nanak seeks His Sanctuary forever; the Lord is my Ambrosial Friend. ||1|| I am wonder-struck, gazing upon the incomparable Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan. My Dear Lord and Master is so beautiful; I am the dust of His Lotus Feet. Gazing upon God, I live, and I am at peace; no one else is as great as He is. Present at the beginning, end and middle of time, He pervades the sea, the land and the sky. Meditating on His Lotus Feet, I have crossed over the sea, the terrifying world-ocean. Nanak seeks the Sanctuary of the Perfect Transcendent Lord; You have no end or limitation, Lord. ||2|| I shall not forsake, even for an instant, my Dear Beloved Lord, the Support of the breath of life. The Guru, the True Guru, has instructed me in the contemplation of the True, Inaccessible Lord. Meeting with the humble, Holy Saint, I obtained the Naam, the Name of the Lord, and the pains of birth and death left me. I have been blessed with peace, poise and abundant bliss, and the knot of egotism has been untied. He is inside all, and outside of all; He is untouched by love or hate. Slave Nanak has entered the Sanctuary of the Lord of the Universe; the Beloved Lord is the Support of the mind. ||3|| I searched and searched, and found the immovable, unchanging home of the Lord. I have seen that everything is transitory and perishable, and so I have linked my consciousness to the Lotus Feet of the Lord. God is eternal and unchanging, and I am just His hand-maiden; He does not die, or come and go in reincarnation. He is overflowing with Dharmic faith, wealth and success; He fulfills the desires of the mind. The Vedas and the Simritees sing the Praises of the Creator, while the Siddhas, seekers and silent sages meditate on Him. Nanak has entered the Sanctuary of his Lord and Master, the treasure of mercy; by great good fortune, he sings the Praises of the Lord, Har, Har. ||4||1||11|| Hukamnama from

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